Chemistry: Matter and Change

Section 3: Lipids

Self Check Quizzes

What functional group do fatty acids and amino acids have in common?

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____________ is the common name given to a triglyceride that is a solid at room temperature.
A)An oil
B)A fat
C)A wax
Steroids are a type of lipid. What is the structure of a steroid?
A)The basic structure is composed of four rings.
B)The structure has many fatty acids.
C)The structure uses peptide bonds.
D)The structure is composed entirely of water—soluble molecules.
Which of the following statements is true of oleic and stearic acids?

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A)Both acids contain 20 carbon atoms, and both are saturated.
B)Both acids contain 18 carbon atoms, and both are saturated.
C)Both contain 20 carbon atoms, but only oleic acid is saturated.
D)Both contain 18 carbon atoms, but only stearic acid is saturated.
What property of soaps makes them useful as cleaning agents?

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A)They have both a polar and a non-polar end.
B)They are slippery.
C)They are non-soluble in water.
D)They are aromatic.
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