Understanding Psychology

Chapter 5: Adulthood and Old Age

Multiple Choice Quiz

Physical changes that usually occur in the middle-aged adult include all the following EXCEPT ____.
A)dry, inelastic skin
B)deteriorating eyesight
C)increased stamina
D)increased reaction time
Which statement about the midlife transition in Daniel Levinson's theory of male development is NOT TRUE?
A)During the midlife transition, a man reevaluates his life in regard to his past and future goals.
B)The quality of a man's relationship with his wife will likely to be an important factor in his midlife transition.
C)Generativity, a man's desire to use his wisdom to guide future generations, can be especially satisfying during the midlife transition.
D)Stagnation, hanging on to the past, is another way to successfully make the midlife transition.
Each of the following statements about women's lives during midlife is true EXCEPT ____.
A)A woman may experience greater personal freedom as the demands of motherhood decline.
B)Due to the dramatic drop in sex hormone production, every woman experiences depression during menopause.
C)"Empty nest" syndrome refers to the time in a woman's life when her last child has left home.
D)A stable relationship with one's spouse can make the transitions of middle adulthood easier.
Good health in old age can primarily be attributed to ____.
A)good health in adolescence and adult life
B)the decline in chronic disease
C)the quality of health care for the elderly
D)the lack of stereotypical views of the aged
How do changes in life situations during old age compare to those of early adulthood?
A)In early adulthood, transitions usually involve less commitment.
B)In old age, changes are often negative and reduce responsibilities.
C)Transitions in early adulthood and old age are for the most part the same.
D)In old age, changes in life situations create a deeper involvement in life.
A type of mental functioning that does not decline with age is ____, which refers to the ability to use accumulated knowledge in appropriate situations.
A)fluid intelligence
B)senile dementia
D)crystallized intelligence
Which statement most accurately represents a perspective based on the decremental model of aging?
A)"I'm 70 years old, and I'm training for the next marathon."
B)"I can't go shopping this weekend because I have to go to my grandmother's graduation ceremony."
C)"I've got arthritis, hardening of the arteries, and insomnia, but what do I expect? I'm 75 years old!"
D)"The doctor tells me that I have heart disease because I've eaten poorly all of my life."
A terminal patient may make promises to God in exchange for health during the ____ stage of dying.
Hospices provide all the following services EXCEPT ____.
A)a comfortable atmosphere in which to die
B)drugs to ease pain
C)care by family members
D)machines to prolong life
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