Focus On Earth Science: California Grade 6

Lesson 4: California Climate and Weather

Standards Check

Which is not part of the water cycle? 4.a
A)run off of precipitation into streams, lake, and oceans
B)evaporation of water from Earth's surface
C)formation of mountain breezes
D)formation of precipitation
Sea breezes are caused by _______. 4.d
A)a highland climate
B)condensation of moist air
C)a rain shadow
D)convection currents in the atmosphere
Santa Ana winds are formed when cool dense air ________. 4.e
A)forms a low-pressure system in the Great Basin
B)flows downslope through mountain passes and canyons
C)sinks as it is heated by solar radiation
D)flows into the Great Basin
Which is not true about the California Current? 4.d
A)It flows from higher latitudes to lower latitudes.
B)It is a cold current.
C)It is a warm current.
D)Its temperature doesn't change much year-round.
Grade 6
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