Focus On Earth Science: California Grade 6

Chapter 10: Oceans

Standard Assessment

The movement of sand parallel to a shoreline is _______. 2.c
A)a rip current
B)a longshore current
C)longshore drift
What causes the density of ocean water to increase? 4.d
A)an increase in wind speed
B)a decrease in salinity
C)an increase in temperature
D)an increase in salinity
Which is found at a plate boundary? 1.e
A)abyssal plains
B)mid-ocean ridges
C)continental shelves
D)submarine canyons
New ocean floor is being created at _______. 1.e
A)continental shelves
B)ocean trenches
C)mid-ocean ridges
D)abyssal plains
Over which region does solar radiation cause oceans to gain energy? 4.a
A)latitudes greater than 40 degrees north and 40 degrees south
B)latitudes above 40 degrees north
C)latitudes above 40 degrees south
D)30 degrees south to 30 degrees north latitudes
The formation of ocean currents is due mainly to the effects of _______. 4.d
B)the Sun heating the surface water
C)mid-ocean ridges
The California Current is part of which major gyre? 4.d
A)South Equatorial
B)South Pacific
C)North Equatorial
D)North Pacific
The coastal mountains in California were formed by the collisions of which plates? 1.e
A)Pacific plate and California plate
B)Pacific plate and Juan de Fuca plate
C)Pacific plate and North American plate
D)Juan de Fuca plate and North American plate
What happens at mid-ocean ridges? 1.e
A)tectonic plates move toward each other
B)tectonic plates move away from each other
C)tectonic plates slide past each other
D)one tectonic plate slides under another plate
What causes a longshore current? 2.c
A)the deposition of eroded sediment
B)water rushing back into the ocean
C)ocean waves approach shore at an angle
D)the construction of a jetty
In general, ocean currents carry heat from _______. 4.d
A)the poles to the tropics
B)the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere
C)the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere
D)the tropics to the poles
El Niño events occur when _______. 4.a
A)the westerly trade winds in the Pacific Ocean become stronger
B)warm water in the Eastern Pacific moves westward
C)warm water in the Western Pacific moves eastward
D)The westerly trade winds in the Pacific Ocean change direction
Most sand finally ends up _______. 2.c
A)trapped by jetties
B)in rivers
C)on the ocean floor
D)swept away by the California Current
Which of these is not a process that causes wind and waves to erode the shoreline? 2.c
A)Waves break rocks into pieces.
B)Wind and waves rub grit against rocks on the shore.
C)Water dissolves minerals in some types of rocks.
D)Sediment is deposited where water moves slowly.
_______ causes ocean currents to be deflected to the right in the northern hemisphere. 4.d
A)The Coriolis effect
B)Solar radiation
D)Heat transfer
Grade 6
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