Focus On Earth Science: California Grade 6

Lesson 3: The Ocean Shore

Standards Check

What causes a longshore current? 2.c
A)the deposition of eroded sediment
B)water rushing back into the ocean
C)ocean waves approach shore at an angle
D)the construction of a jetty
The movement of sand parallel to a shoreline is _______ 2.c
B)a longshore current
C)a rip current
D)longshore drift
Which of these is not a process that causes wind and waves to erode the shoreline? 2.c
A)Sediment is deposited where water moves slowly.
B)Wind and waves rub grit against rocks on the shore.
C)Water dissolves minerals in some types of rocks.
D)Waves break rocks into pieces.
Most sand finally ends up _______. 2.c
A)in rivers
B)on the ocean floor
C)trapped by jetties
D)swept away by the California Current
Grade 6
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