Focus On Earth Science: California Grade 6

Lesson 1: Volcanoes and Plate Boundaries

Standards Check

Which is the best definition of a volcano? 1.d
A)a feature that forms when magma reaches Earth's surface
B)a feature that forms when collisions between plates pushes the crust upward
C)a feature that forms when plate boundaries slide horizontally past each other
D)a feature that form when magma squeezes into cracks below Earth's surface.
Because magma is less dense than the rocks surrounding it in the mantle, magma _______. 1.d
A)causes quiet eruptions
B)is forced downward
C)causes explosive eruptions
D)is forced upward
Magma is formed at a _______ when an oceanic plate slides beneath another plate and partially melts. 1.e
A)hot spot
B)divergent plate boundary
C)convergent plate boundary
Grade 6
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