Glencoe Biology

Section 1: Biodiversity

Self-Check Quizzes-English

The number and abundance of species in a biological community is called ____.
A)species diversity
B)genetic diversity
C)ecosystem diversity
What are the main factors in ecosystem diversity?
A)organisms and their genetics
B)populations and abiotic factors
C)weather and abiotic factors
D)rivers and abiotic factors
The idea that forests should be preserved because of their beauty refers to ____.
A)medicinal value
B)scientific value
C)direct economic value
D)aesthetic value
What is an example of a direct economic value of biodiversity?
A)diseases caused by bacteria
B)vaccines created from bacteria
C)release of oxygen by green plants
D)drinking water provided by watersheds
How do these beetles display genetic diversity?
A)with variations in color
B)different species in one population
C)are identical colors
D)have identical genes
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