Glencoe Keyboarding with Computer Applications

Unit 1: Keyboarding

Internet Connection: Lesson 7

QWERTY Keyboards

Learn more about the origin and design behind the QWERTY keyboard, as well as a popular alternative.

Read the information below and apply what you learn to answer the questions. You can write your answers on a separate piece of paper or key your answers into the spaces provided. After you finish keying, check your work carefully and click Submit .

Understand QWERTY
The QWERTY keyboard layout—so named for the first six letter keys on the top row—was designed by a group of American inventors led by Christopher Sholes in the late 1860s. Since mechanical typewriters were prone to jamming, the designers spread out the most frequently-used letters. This way typists would be more likely to alternate between keys typed by their right and left hands, which would slow them down.

This approach had the positive effect of reducing the amount of jammed keys. However, as more efficient typewriters and computer keyboards were developed, the problem of jammed keys became obsolete. Many people now believe that the QWERTY keyboard is no longer necessary and reduces efficiency and comfort.

The Dvorak Alternative Almost every current computer provides a control panel option for an alternate keyboard layout known as the Dvorak keyboard . Many experts agree that the Dvorak keyboard provides a more comfortable and efficient layout to the standard QWERTY pattern. The Dvorak keyboard can also be configured for people who can key with only the left or right hand.

The Dvorak keyboard lays out the most commonly used letters, and letter combinations, in a way that minimizes the need for finger reaches and strain. However, the majority of keyboarders are trained on a QWERTY layout and either do not know about or do not want to retrain on a new keyboard layout.

Standard QWERTY layout*
Image Coming soon.

Dvorak layout for two hands*
Image Coming soon.

*Microsoft product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.

Find Information on a Web Site With your teacher's permission, use a search engine to find Internet sites with information about the pros and cons of a QWERTY keyboard layout versus a Dvorak keyboard layout. Here are some keywords you might use: QWERTY keyboard, Dvorak keyboard, keyboard layout.

What is the original reason for the layout of keys in the QWERTY keyboard?
Why is it no longer necessary to use a QWERTY keyboard?
Compare the QWERTY layout to the Dvorak layout. What two letter keys happen to be laid out in the same position?
What are some of the pros and cons of the Dvorak keyboard layout?
Why do most people continue to use the QWERTY keyboard?
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