The American Vision: Modern Times, California Edition

Chapter 2: Growth and Conflict

Self-Check Quiz

Thomas Jefferson differed from his predecessors in that he __________.
A)expanded the scope of the federal government
B)increased government spending
C)began paying off the public debt
D)used the White House to impress foreign dignitaries
What motivated Napoleon to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States?
A)He wanted to prevent an alliance between Spain and the United States.
B)The United States demanded payment of French debts owed to American citizens.
C)He was not interested in colonization.
D)He needed financing for his plan to conquer Europe.
In McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court ruled that __________.
A)the Constitution did not grant the federal government the right to establish a national bank
B)states had the right to tax the national bank
C)the federal government could only do those things absolutely necessary to carry out its powers
D)the Constitution’s “necessary and proper” clause allowed the federal government to create a bank
How did the concept of interchangeable parts impact industrialization?
A)It introduced a way of repairing machines so that production time wouldn’t be lost.
B)It transformed manufacturing into a factory process.
C)It made it possible for entrepreneurs to build their factories in any location.
D)It created faster, more efficient machines.
How did the integration of railroad systems impact industrialization?
A)It provided railroad investors the income to build more factories.
B)It limited the number of railroad companies, making the transportation of goods more expensive.
C)It encouraged people to move to cities, increasing factories’ available workforce.
D)It helped settle the West and expand trade among the nation's different regions.
John C. Calhoun wrote that states had the right to declare federal law void since __________.
A)states had created the federal union
B)the law interfered with the well-being of its citizens
C)Congress was not addressing the needs of the states
D)the President had declared South Carolina’s actions treasonous
During the Second Great Awakening, protestant ministers hoped to __________.
A)challenge the doctrine of faith
B)revive Americans’ commitment to religion
C)build self-contained communities across the United States
D)send the message that only a chosen few were predestined for salvation
Which of the following accurately describes the Northern response to the abolitionist movement?
A)Northerners hoped that the movement would upset the South’s economy.
B)Northerners threw their support behind the movement.
C)While most Northerners did not approve of slavery, they feared the consequences of the abolitionist movement.
D)Northerners passed laws to outlaw the circulation of abolitionist materials.
Manifest Destiny means the idea that __________.
A)the United States controls the Western Hemisphere
B)the nation was meant to spread to the Mississippi
C)the nation was meant to spread to the Pacific
D)the nation should not expand beyond the Appalachian Mountains
__________ proposed that citizens of each new territory acquired from Mexico should decide whether or not to permit slavery in that territory.
A)The Wilmot Proviso
B)Popular sovereignty
C)Manifest Destiny
D)The Missouri Compromise
Why did many Northern Whigs leave their party to form the Republican Party in July 1854?
A)to join forces with the Know-Nothings
B)to keep the Whig Party together
C)to improve working together with Southern politicians
D)to stop Southern planters from becoming an aristocracy that controlled the government
How did the Dred Scott decision increase sectional tensions?
A)It upheld the Missouri Compromise.
B)It denied Kansas’s application for statehood.
C)It ruled that the federal government could not prohibit slavery.
D)It supported popular sovereignty in the western territories.
Why is the Battle of Gettysburg considered the turning point of the war in the East?
A)The victory ensured again that the British would not recognize the Confederacy.
B)The victory at Gettysburg gave the Union control of the Mississippi River.
C)The victory at Gettysburg gave the Union a clear path to invade Georgia.
D)After Gettysburg, Southern support rallied behind the Confederacy.
What event signaled the end of Reconstruction?
A)Democrats won control of the House of Representatives in 1874.
B)President Hayes pulled federal troops out of the South.
C)The Whiskey Ring scandal hurt Republican power.
D)Liberal Republicans left the Republican Party to side with Southern Democrats.
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