BSCS Biology: A Molecular Approach

Chapter 14: Other Forms of Inheritance

Special Mechanisms of Inheritance

A phenomenon called trinucleotide repeat expansion is responsible for genetic anticipation, the shift toward ____ symptoms of an inherited disorder.
A)more severe
B)less severe
C)more frequently occurring
D)earlier expression of
Huntington's disease, myotonic dystrophy, and Friedreich's ataxia all display ___, the earlier onset of symptoms in successive generations.
A)genetic anticipation
B)mental retardation
C)symptomatic acceleration
D)transposable elements
Transposable elements of how many base pairs have been identified in bacteria?
A)several hundred
B)1,000 to 5,000
C)only about ten
D)over 1,000,000
The movement of transposable elements from one chromosomal location to another accounts for what feature of these corn kernels?
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A)their size
B)their uneven coloring
C)their proximity to one another
D)their irregular shape
What is the name given to a segment of DNA that can move from one chromosomal location to another?
A)a retrovirus
B)a plasmid
C)a gene
D)a transposon
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