Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 5: Electrons in Atoms

Web Links

Bohr Model of the Atom
This site describes the Bohr model of the atom. Try the exercises to test your understanding.
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Atomic Orbitals
This site provides graphic representations of atomic orbitals. Compare the shapes of different orbitals and find out what factors affect these shapes.
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The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Go to this site and discover more about the electromagnetic spectrum. Click on the various links to find out more about each topic.
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Visible Light Waves
This site shows how light wave data is collected and used to enhance photographs for further study. Scroll down through the images and see a practical use for collecting light data.
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How does a CD work?
Visit this site to see how a compact disc player uses lasers and photoelectric cells. Read on to find out how compact discs are manufactured.
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Atomic Orbitals
Visit this site to find out information about atomic orbitals. Look at the drawings and notice that the electrons are not evenly distributed.
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