Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 26: Chemistry in the Environment

Web Links

Learn more about Earth's hydrosphere at this site. Read about the ways water cycles between the components of Earth's systems.
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Global Warming
The U.S. EPA Global Warming site gives information about numerous aspects of global warming. Discover the impact of global warming and take the quiz question to test your knowledge.
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The Top 20 Hazardous Substances in the Environment
Visit this web site to find out more about the hazardous substances in our environment. Click on each substance to find the most frequently asked health questions.
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The Composition of the Earth's Atmosphere
Visit this site to learn more about the structure and composition of the Earth's atmosphere. Click on the links to see diagrams for further explanation of the topic.
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Atmospheric Composition
This site contains a complete list of the typical gases present in the Earth's atmosphere. Do you think the composition of the atmosphere will vary with location? Why?
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The Middle East and Desalination
The countries in the Middle East are building and relying on desalination plants to supply fresh water to their people. Visit this site to learn more information about this process. Click on the link "Global Water Intelligence" to read more articles about water related issues.
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Smog: Who Does it Hurt - Visit this site to learn how ozone affects the air that you breathe. Click on the other links to find out more information on air quality. In your Science Journal, explain why ground-level ozone is not healthy.
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How is sewage treated?
Visit this site to learn how waste water is treated before it is returned to the environment. This site includes many links that explains the processes used in Massachusetts.
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Chem Connection Modules
Visit this site to view animations on various chemistry topics and find out how the material presented relates to real world situations.
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