Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 25: Nuclear Chemistry

Web Links

How Nuclear Radiation Works
Learn the benefits as well as the risks of using nuclear radiation. What is meant by the term radioactive decay?
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Three Types of Radioactive Decay
Learn about the types of radioactive decay at this site, and take the review quiz at the bottom of the page.
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Marie Curie
Visit this site to read about this famous scientist and how her adopted country, France, honored her and her husband. Click on the link at the bottom of the page to learn more about the history of France.
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A Biography of Marie Curie
Visit this site to read more about Marie Curie and the Nobel prizes that she won.
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Irradiated Food
Visit this site to learn about the process of irradiating food to kill contaminants. Click on the links at the bottom of this article to learn more.
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Irradiated Mail
After anthrax was found in mail in 2001, some mail has been irradiated to protect people who open or handle mail, especially in government offices. Visit this site to learn more about the process. Research more on this topic to find out what procedures are currently being used to protect people.
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Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Explore this site to learn more about this facility. Click on the links to explore areas that interest you.
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Chernobyl - Satellite Images of Environmental Change
Visit this site to see satellite images of the area around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. These images show the changes that have occurred around the reactor site. Be sure to click on the links to view the site in various years.
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Radon and the Risk
Visit this site to learn more about the risks due to radon. Click on the link to watch the award winning public service announcement on the risks from radon.
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Mapping the Radon Risk
Visit this site to view maps showing the areas at risk for high radon levels in their homes. Conduct additional research on radon to find out how you can create a safer environment inside your home.
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