Chemistry: Matter and Change

Chapter 19: Acids and Bases

Web Links

The pH Factor
This Miami Museum of Science page provides an interactive exploration of the concept of pH. What is the average pH of aspirin?
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Buffers in Blood
Answer the questions on this page to see how much you know about buffers.
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Bronsted - Lowry Concept
This site provides more information about acids and bases. Click on each theory and see what this author has to say about acids and bases. Be sure to look at the link that compares each theory.
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Who was Svante Arrhenius?
Svante Arrhenius won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Visit this site to find out more about this great chemist. Write a short paragraph in your Science Journal about why Arrhenius was honored with the Nobel prize and what year he was awarded it. How did Sweden honor this scientist on December 10, 1963?
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Photos of Caverns
Visit this site to see natural formations in caves. These formations were created by carbonic acid. Compare and contrast how these formations were created.
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Formic Acid
Formic acid is used in many industrial processes. Visit this site to learn some of the properties and uses of this acid. After you have read about formic acid click on the link “Back to Product Listing” for a list of additional acids that you can read about.
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Willow Bark and Pain Relief
Visit this site to learn more about aspirin. Willow trees are common in some parts of the United States. Research the willow tree to see if they grow in your area.
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