Indiana Science Grade 8

Chapter 12: Plate Tectonics

Plate Tectonics

What kind of movement created the Himalaya Mountains?
A)reversals of Earth's magnetic field
C)compressional forces
D)divergent boundaries
What is the difference between normal faults and rift valleys?
A)Rift valleys are formed from normal faults.
B)Rift valley formation has nothing to do with normal faults.
C)Rift valleys sometimes occur near normal faults, but their formation is not related to these faults.
D)Normal faults occur in the northern hemisphere, but rift valleys only occur in the southern hemisphere.
Who first proposed the theory of continental drift?
A)Alfred Wegener
B)Albert Einstein
C)Harry Hess
D)Galileo Galilee
What is a transform boundary?
A)A transform boundary is when two plates collide.
B)A transform boundary is when two plates move toward each other.
C)A transform boundary is when two plates slide past one another.
D)A transform boundary is when two plates pull away from each other.
What clue supported the continental drift theory?
A)all answers are correct
B)a puzzle-like fit of all the continents
C)Fossils of animals have been found on continents separated by oceans.
D)Similar rock structures have been found on different continents.
What happens when an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate?
A)The denser oceanic plate slides on top of the less dense continental plate.
B)The denser oceanic plate slides under the less dense continental plate.
C)The less dense oceanic plate slides under the denser continental plate.
D)The less dense oceanic plate slides past the denser continental plate.
How do scientists use sound waves to figure out the shape of the ocean floor?
A)The longer it takes a sound wave to return to the ship, the colder the water is.
B)The longer it takes a sound wave to return to the ship, the more shallow the water is.
C)The less time it takes a sound wave to return to the ship, the deeper the water is.
D)The longer it takes a sound wave to return to the ship, the deeper the water is.
How can Earth's plates move?
A)They only collide or slide along each other.
B)They can collide, pull apart, or slide against each other.
C)They only can move toward each other.
D)They only converge or diverge.
How does the Mesosaurus fossil evidence support the continental drift theory?
A)because it's unlikely that the Mesosaurus could swim between continents
B)The Mesosaurus fossil evidence does not support the continental drift theory. It proves it wrong.
C)because it's unlikely that the Mesosaurus existed on both continents
D)because the Mesosaurus lived millions of years ago, when scientists believe the continents began to drift
How can crust disappear at the edge of a boundary?
A)Gravity is pulling it down.
B)The other edge of the boundary is being pulled into Earth's core.
C)because new crust is being added to the other edge of the boundary
D)It is too dense and is sinking into Earth.
What does plate tectonics cause?
A)causes volcanoes
B)forms mountains
C)forms ocean basins
D)all answers are correct
What evidence proved that South America, Africa, India, and Australia were once covered by glaciers?
A)glacial deposits and rock surfaces scarred by glaciers
B)enormous valleys formed by glaciers
C)leftover portions of glaciers
D)cold climates
What is the continental drift theory?
A)the belief that continents have always been located at their current locations on Earth
B)the belief that continents have moved slowly apart to their current locations on Earth
C)the belief that continents are moving slowly together from their current locations on Earth
D)the belief that continents have quickly moved apart to their current locations on Earth
What is a magnetic field reversal?
A)when Earth's magnetic field suddenly disappears for short periods of time
B)when Earth's magnetic field leaves the south pole and enters the north pole
C)when Earth's magnetic field leaves the north pole and enters the south pole
D)when Earth's magnetic field suddenly runs east/west instead of south/north
What is the lithosphere?
A)the upper part of the mantle
B)large, flat stones sitting on top of malleable magma
C)the plates that make up the crust and the upper part of the mantle
D)the plates that make up the crust
How do scientists explain the formation of underwater mountain ranges?
A)seafloor spreading
B)convection currents
C)strike-slip faults
D)continental drift
Do two colliding continental plates always cause volcanoes?
A)Yes, subduction always occurs when continental plates collide.
B)No, usually no subduction occurs when continental plates collide.
C)No, earthquakes always occur when two continental plates collide.
D)Yes, subduction always occurs when oceanic plates collide.
What is Pangaea?
A)the large landmass that all continents are currently forming
B)Earth's inner core
C)the largest fault found on Earth
D)the large landmass in which all continents once were connected
What happens to rock around a subducting slab?
A)It combines with the other rock.
B)It goes over the other plate.
C)It disappears from Earth.
D)It goes under the other plate.
What do scientists believe is the force behind the plate tectonics theory?
A)the Sun's gravity
B)the movement of the planets
C)convection currents
D)gravity slab pull
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