Earth Science: The Water Planet, Book H

Chapter 3: Groundwater Resources

Groundwater Resources

What feature of groundwater helps it form caves?
A)It flows fast.
B)It is salty.
C)It is warm.
D)It is acidic.
How can a poorly designed septic system be dangerous?
A)The system can dry up the groundwater supply.
B)Raw sewage is dumped directly into streams.
C)Sewage and bacteria can run off into groundwater.
D)Sewage and bacteria can leak into the groundwater.
What is the best method to ensure clean groundwater?
A)Use chemicals to treat polluted groundwater.
B)Move the water table.
C)Do not pollute it in the first place.
D)Filter groundwater.
What happens to the water table when a groundwater shortage occurs?
A)It disappears completely.
B)It rises.
C)It goes below the zone of saturation.
D)It gets lower.
You buy a bottle of water with a label that reads "spring water." What does that mean?
A)The water must be served cold.
B)The water came from a spring in the ground.
C)The water was collected in a spring.
D)The bottle cap was put on with a spring.
What causes a sinkhole to form?
A)A volcano melts rock beneath the surface.
B)A cave roof collapses.
C)Groundwater fills an aquifer.
D)A geyser erupts.
Which type of pollution source is easiest to eliminate?
A)point source
B)nonpoint source
C)Neither can be eliminated.
D)Both easily are eliminated.
In a highly permeable substance like gravel, how fast does water move?
A)It doesn't move at all.
B)as fast as a stream
C)relatively fast
D)relatively slow
Where is a water table located?
A)at sea level
B)over the ground
C)at the bottom of the zone of saturation
D)at the top surface of the zone of saturation
An example of point source pollution is __________.
A)dumping used motor oil into a stream
B)fertilizer runoff from farms
C)landfills seeping into groundwater
D)automobile fluids washing off the roads and into a stream
A mine is built near your home. What might be a concern for you?
A)Mining chemicals can flow into the groundwater.
B)Road salt will runoff into groundwater.
C)Sewage can seep into the groundwater.
D)The mine probably will practice illegal dumping.
A deposit of gravel is __________ than a deposit of clay.
A)less permeable
B)much less permeable
C)more likely to erode
D)more permeable
What is the difference between a regular well and an artesian well?
A)A regular well does not require a pump.
B)An artesian well is pressurized.
C)An artesian well does not go underground.
D)An artesian well acts like a geyser.
How does bioremediation clean groundwater?
A)Bacteria and fungi consume the pollutants.
B)Pollution is burned away.
C)Chemicals are introduced to kill all bacteria.
D)Animals dig up the polluted sources.
What causes geysers to erupt?
A)Groundwater freezes and is thawed suddenly .
B)Molten rock heats groundwater to a boil.
C)Molten rock is forced through a crack in the ground.
D)An underground stream splashes in the air.
How do cave formations occur?
A)Groundwater dissolves rock.
B)Groundwater dissolves and deposits rock.
C)Rock melts due to volcanic heat.
D)Groundwater deposits rock.
A stream begins and ends in the ground. What happens to the water?
A)It flows through an aquifer.
B)It flows through openings underground.
C)It dissipates.
D)It disappears completely.
What is a cave?
A)a crack in the ground
B)anything that is not a cavern
C)a collapsed tunnel
D)an underground chamber open at the surface
How can seawater cause groundwater pollution?
A)Seawater can absorb groundwater.
B)Seawater is salt water.
C)Seawater lowers the water table.
D)Groundwater is salt water.
Which is not a potential source of pollution?
A)road salt
B)underground gas storage
C)road runoff
D)compost heap
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