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Quiz J—Dividing a Decimal by a Whole Number

1.What is $6.24 ÷ 3?

2.What is $8.92 ÷ 4?

3.If your lunch bill is $26.40 and you and two other people are splitting it evenly, how much does each person pay?

4.If you and your brother earn $54 mowing lawns, how much do you each get if you divide the money evenly?

5.You and your two siblings bought a gift for your father’s birthday. If the gift cost $63.30, how much did each of you spend?

6.You and your six friends bought movie tickets that cost $35.00. How much did each of you spend?

7.If your total grocery bill is $183.12 and all 12 students in your foods class divide the bill evenly, how much will each student pay?

8.If you and your three friends make treats for a bake sale, how much will each of you pay if the total bill for the ingredients is $50.40?

9.What is $103.45 ÷ 5?

10.If you and your cousin earn $6.30 selling homemade cookies, how much do you each get if you divide the money evenly?

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