The Stage and the School

Chapter 12: Costuming

Activity Lesson Plans

In Chapter 12 students have learned the basics of choosing, creating, and maintaining costumes for a production. In this web activity, they will reinforce their knowledge of the chapter's key terms and concepts.

Lesson Description
Students will match the vocabulary words from Chapter 12 with their definitions.

Instructional Objectives
1. Students will be able to recall the functions of crew members involved in costuming.
2. Students will be able to recall key events and terms related to costuming a production.

Student Web Activity Answers


costumers' term for making costumes

wardrobe manager

in charge of creating and maintaining the costume plot


a sample piece of fabric

color coding

matching characters by color or pattern


assists actors in costume changes and maintenance of costumes

costume plot

written record of all characters in a production and each piece of their wardrobe

costume silhouette

the distinctive line and form of each historical period

costume parade

an event where actors wear their costumes under the stage lights to check color compatibility


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