Glencoe Science Level Red

Chapter 7: Electricity and Magnetism

Solving a Simple Equation

A lightbulb is plugged into a wall outlet. If the lightbulb has a resistance of 200 ohms and the current of the lightbulb is 0.6 A, what is the voltage provided by the outlet?
A)120 V
B)143 V
C)140 V
D)125 V
A lightbulb is plugged into a wall outlet. If the lightbulb has a resistance of 210 ohms and the current of the lightbulb is 0.7 A, what is the voltage provided by the outlet?
A)140 V
B)145 V
C)147 V
D)136 V
A lightbulb is plugged into a wall outlet. If the lightbulb has a resistance of 190 ohms and the current of the lightbulb is 0.6 A, what is the voltage provided by the outlet?
A)142 V
B)114 V
C)140 V
D)122 V
An electric iron plugged into a wall socket has a resistance of 28 ohms. If the current in the iron is 4.0 A, what is the voltage provided by the wall socket?
A)112 V
B)116 V
C)130 V
D)135 V
An electric iron plugged into a wall socket has a resistance of 30 ohms. If the current in the iron is 5.0 A, what is the voltage provided by the wall socket?
A)124 V
B)112 V
C)119 V
D)150 V
An electric iron plugged into a wall socket has a resistance of 26 ohms. If the current in the iron is 5.5 A, what is the voltage provided by the wall socket?
A)162 V
B)140 V
C)143 V
D)122 V
What is the resistance of a lightbulb connected to a 110-V wall outlet if the current in the lightbulb is 1.4 A?
A)69 ohms
B)79 ohms
C)92 ohms
D)55 ohms
What is the resistance of a lightbulb connected to a 110-V wall outlet if the current in the lightbulb is 1.6 A?
A)69 ohms
B)55 ohms
C)60 ohms
D)72 ohms
What is the resistance of a lightbulb connected to a 110-V wall outlet if the current in the lightbulb is 1.2 A?
A)97 ohms
B)88 ohms
C)92 ohms
D)100 ohms
What is the resistance of a lightbulb connected to a 110-V wall outlet if the current in the lightbulb is 2.0 A?
A)42 ohms
B)55 ohms
C)60 ohms
D)72 ohms
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