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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.According to Head, what is all that matters to the people of Africa when meeting someone?
A.what language the person speaks
B.whether the person is a friend or a foe much money the person has
D.what kind of clothes the person is wearing

2.How do the people of Head's village transport items?
A.They use their heads.
B.They use ox carts.
C.They use crude wheelbarrow-type carts.
D.They use sledges.

3.According to Head, what does poverty create? incomprehensible quality of trust and dependence
B.a profound sense of compassion
C.strong bonds of family and friendship
D.strong currents of fear and anxiety

4.Why does the young woman bring the water to Head?
A.The woman knew Head needed water to cook with.
B.Water is used as currency to pay for the rent Head charges.
C.She knows Head is too weak to get water by herself.
D.She wanted to repay the kindness Head showed to her old relative earlier in the day.

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