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Selection Quick Checks (English)

Note: This quiz covers more than one selection.

1.What has happened to John Anderson as describe in the first stanza of "John Anderson, My Jo"?
A.He has been badly injured.
B.He has disappeared during a winter storm.
C.He has died.
D.He has grown old.

2.For what does the speaker apologize in the second stanza of "To a Mouse"?
A.for killing the mouse's babies
B.for having to kill the mouse
C.for turning up the mouse's nest
D.for taking away the mouse's food

3.According to the speaker of "To a Mouse," why is the mouse better off than he is?
A.The speaker fears his future.
B.The speaker must build a new home too.
C.Unlike the mouse, the speaker cannot find food.
D.The speaker will surely freeze in the winter, unlike the mouse.

4.What does the speaker recall in lines 9–12 of "Auld Lang Syne"?
A.a long, lost love
B.adventures and walks in the countryside
C.a marriage
D.a long river journey

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