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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.From where did the smallpox virus originate?
A.from birds living in sub-Sahara Africa mutated from the Black Death
C.from an unknown animal
D.from a human living in ancient Egypt

2.How is smallpox transmitted?
A.through the bite of a mosquito
B.through the air
C.through body fluids
D.through the consumption of infected ground water

3.What is the scientific name for the smallpox virus?
A.variola pox
C.hemorrhagic smallpox
D.extreme smallpox

4.Who is D. A. Henderson?
A.The man who first noticed the smallpox outbreak in Canada in 1924.
B.The man most widely credited with eradicating smallpox.
C.The man who first diagnosed smallpox.
D.The man who named the smallpox virus.

5.Why do smallpox cases come in fourteen-day waves?
A.It takes fourteen days to be diagnosed with smallpox.
B.The timing reflects the incubation period of the virus.
C.Smallpox victims usually wait two weeks before seeking help.
D.It takes fourteen days for pustules to form.

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