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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What is remarkable about almost all of the outdoor Shakespeare festivals?
A.They are thriving.
B.The only perform one or two plays a year.
C.They all attract famous Hollywood actors.
D.None is making a profit.

2.What have many theater executives discovered about Shakespeare's "problem" plays?
A.They can be more popular than masterpieces from other playwrights.
B.Audiences usually get bored quickly while watching them.
C.Staging them outdoors does not help sell them.
D.They are best staged indoors.

3.According to the writer, soliloquies cannot compete with what?
D.the cinema

4.What generalization does Jack O'Brien make about Shakespeare's plays?
A.His plays about England do better at the box office.
B.His early plays work outdoors and his later plays do not.
C.His later plays are much more exciting for today's audiences.
D.Children love his early plays.

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