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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What does the writer say has happened to the idea of the hero over time?
A.It has completely been lost since the end of the last century.
B.It has disappeared and then reemerged again and again.
C.It has fluctuated and evolved to suit the culture of the times.
D.It has remained the same across the ages.

2.How did the writings of Tacitus, Plutarch, and Cicero help reshape Renaissance ideas about heroism?
A.They proved that all heroes can be conquered.
B.They proved that all heroes live under the shadow of human sin.
C.They emphasized that true heroes were martyrs and missionaries.
D.They emphasized man's capacity for greatness.

3.According to Thomas Carlyle, from where did people get their heroism?
A.They were born with the quality.
B.They acquired it through hard work and struggle.
C.They developed it from the examples of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
D.They acquired it from a mystical force.

4.According to the writer, what is problematic and most encouraging about the idea of heroes in today's world?
A.Modern media have made heroism a thing of the past.
B.There are no heroes today, only small, decent people.
C.Few Western states are uniform societies.
D.No one can truly be classified as a hero.

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