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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.Where were the seventy-five forms of Ra hidden? the afterlife
B.behind the sun
C.within the waters of the Nile River caverns deep below the earth

2.What was significant in knowing the secret name of Ra?
A.One would have power over him and the world he created.
B.One would be guaranteed a safe journey to the afterlife.
C.One would be given enormous wealth.
D.One would become transformed from a person into a god.

3.What did Isis do with Ra's saliva that she secretly collected?
A.She used it to water her plants.
B.She consumed it to receive Ra's power.
C.She mixed it with earth to make clay and then sculpted a serpent.
D.She fed it to her son.

4.What does Isis say she needs to find a spell to help Ra?
A.a first-born son
B.Ra's full name, including his secret name
C.the venom of the snake that bit Ra
D.the immortality of the gods

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