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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What, according to Campbell, do myths offer people?
A.Myths offer an insight into an earlier mindset.
B.Myths offer a way to imagine we are greater than we are.
C.Myths provide insight into human character and inspire people to to realize their full capabilities.
D.Myths show us the human past and how much we have improved.

2.What does Campbell mean by "follow your bliss"? What impact does he say doing this will have on others?
A.Keep doing different things randomly until you find something that makes you blissful.
B.Don’t be afraid to follow the path toward what makes you happy. Campbell says that doing so allows you to save the world.
C.Do whatever you want without regard to others because that is the way to become happy.
D.Even if you hate what you must do, it is your duty to somehow find your work blissful.

3.What is the "Ariadne thread" referred to in the interview?
A.true love
B.a joke about sewing
C.a way to wait for someone else to come and save you
D.each person's way to find his or her path

4.What does Campbell say is the "great Western Truth"?
A.that any gift each of us has must come out of fulfillment of our own potentialities, not someone else's
B.that there is happiness for everyone if we just look in the right place
C.that the world is a kind place if you only try to understand it
D.that the world is comprehensible and not a confusing mess

5.How is the guidance given by Western teachers different from that of Eastern gurus?
A.Eastern gurus tell exactly what a student must do next, while Western teachers help students fulfill their own potentials.
B.Western teachers believe anything can be understood, while Eastern gurus have no such illusions.
C.Eastern gurus are more aware of group learning.
D.Eastern gurus are more helpful because they lead and guide in subtle, psychological ways.

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