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Big Idea Overview and Resources

Part 1: Acts of Courage
Part 2: Rescuing and Conquering

Part 1: Acts of Courage

Some of the epics and legends included in Part 1 have been passed down through countless generations. Storytellers have immortalized the great tales of ancient heroes who have performed legendary acts of courage—for example, overcoming fears and self-doubts; enduring difficult circumstances; and showing overwhelming strength, intelligence, and wit. Heroic figures inspire readers to champion good in the midst of evil and to persevere during the darkest hours.

Web Resources
Folklore and Mythology: Electronic Texts
This Web site provides links to fables, folktales, myths, and legends from diverse cultures and times.

In Search of Myths and Heroes
This PBS Web site features information on King Arthur, myths and archetypes, and teaching resources.

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Part 2: Rescuing and Conquering

The myths and folktales in Part 2 focus on an archetypal theme—a recurring idea that appears across cultures throughout the world. Many of the stories feature clever and heroic characters who perform acts of rescue or conquest—an archetypal theme that is repeated through out time.

The oral tradition of telling stories has enabled cultures to preserve their history, ancestry, and literature. Storytellers through the ages memorized and recited countless stories, songs, and poems. Myths and folk tales reflect the culture’s beliefs, customs, and values and are among the earliest stories recorded by people.

Web Resources
This Web site elaborates on Joseph Campbell’s ideas about myths. Find out more about the functions of myths and the differences between legends and folklore.

Circle of Stories
This PBS Web site for the Circle of Stories documentary film series uses photography, artwork, and music to honor and explore Native American storytelling. Learn about four different storytellers and listen to their stories.

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