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Selection Quick Checks (English)

Note: This quiz covers more than one selection

1.In "Dream Boogie," what does the speaker say one can hear if he or she listens closely?
A.a secret beat
B.somebody waking up
C.feet beating out
D.a dream deferred

2.What purpose do the italics take in "e;Dream Boogie"?
A.They identify the words of a different speaker.
B.They identify the words of a different speaker.
C.They are the words to the song the speaker is listening to.
D.They are the voices coming from a radio.

3.In "e;Motto," how did the speaker get his motto?
A.from a book
B.from a song
C.from living and learning
D.from friends

4.In "e;Harlem," what do the first three possibilities of what might happen to deferred dreams have in common?
A.They describe foods.
B.The describe sweet things.
C.The describe smells.
D.They are heat-related.

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