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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.According to Marsalis, what might make a touring musician to feel lonely?
A.dislike of people
B.homesickness for familiar foods
C.uneasiness about performances
D.distrust of band members

2.According to Marsalis, what helps musicians expand their talents?
A.communicating successfully to other musicians
B.playing Cuban music
C.learning more musical vocabulary
D.analyzing the rhythms of rap

3.What quality does Marsalis argue many good Latin bands have that many jazz bands often lack?
A.a belief in the integrity of their groove
B.a deep expression of soul
C.a faith in the ideals of democracy understanding of rhythm and blues

4.According to Marsalis, who is usually the president of the swing?
A.the trumpet player
B.the saxophone
C.the piano player
D.the drummer

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