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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What does Sandburg say Lincoln did during his first three months in office?
A.undertook very few actions to prevent the coming war
B.assumed the powers of a dictator
C.relied on the system of democracy
D.considered resigning from the presidency

2.Where did Lincoln's railroad burial car end its journey?
A.New York City, New York
B.Hodgenville, Kentucky
C.Springfield, Illinois
D.Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

3.What did American poet Mark Van Doren think about Lincoln?
A.He thought Lincoln was a sad, disappointed character.
B.He believed Lincoln was the greatest political writer in history.
C.He thought Lincoln was perhaps the most interesting man who ever lived.
D.He called Lincoln one of the greatest military presidents in history.

4.According to Sandburg, where might the most enduring memorial to Lincoln be found? the lights and shadows of America
B.on the consecrated grounds at Gettysburg the minds of future generations the hearts of lovers of liberty

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