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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.According to the writer, what is the fastest-growing section of local bookstores?
A.the do-it-yourself section
B.the travel section
C.the comics and graphic novels section
D.the healthcare section

2.According to the writer, who is especially fond of the Japanese comic books known as manga?
A.young children
C.teenage boys

3.Why didn't the graphic novel movement of the 1980s become more popular?
A.Major bookstores would not stock graphic novels.
B.The reading public did not like graphic novels.
C.Graphic novels at the time focused on boring topics.
D.There were not enough high-quality books available.

4.According to the writer, what goal do graphic novelists strive to achieve in their work?
A.a sense of motion and action between their frames
B.a realistic feeling within the story
C.a sense of an animated movie
D.a sense of music and rhythm in the action

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