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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What do the Allisons' recognize each year?
A.They were no longer in love with each other.
B.They actually disliked living at the cottage.
C.There was nothing to bring them back to New York.
D.They were both very lonely at the cottage.

2.What does Mrs. Allison find gratifying about purchasing the dishes?
A.The business deal was personal.
B.She knew the dishes were a bargain.
C.The dishes were well wrapped.
D.She was able to barter for an acceptable price.

3.To what does the narrator compare Mr. Allison's dependence on his car?
A.a boat that depends on its sail
B.a man who depends on his right arm
C.a bird that depends on its wings
D.a tree that depends on its roots

4.What kind of letter did Mrs. Allison expect from her son? upbeat letter that bordered on arrogance
B.a long, rambling letter full of depressing descriptions
C.a short letter full of insignificant happenings
D.a pleasant, respectful letter full of family doings

5.What happened to the Allison's car?
A.Someone had tampered with it.
B.It ran out of gas.
C.The tires were flat.
D.It had been stolen.

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