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Web Quest Lesson Plan

Students have explored the Big Idea of Acts of Courage. In this lesson, students will read about examples of people who have shown courage in different situations. After reading through these selections, students will write about an act of courage that they witnessed or performed themselves and why it was a heroic action.

Lesson Description
Students will read about the Congressional Medal of Honor and about heroes recognized by the American Red Cross Then students will write about an act of courage that they witnessed or performed themselves and explain why it was a heroic action.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will use the Internet as a resource to get information.
  2. Students will read some examples of courage shown by different individuals.
  3. Students will write about an act of courage that they witnessed or performed themselves and why it was a heroic action.

Student Web Activity Sample Answer
On the first day of school of my freshman year, a visually-impaired girl walked into the same science class that I was in. Her name was Erin. She sat down in the front row and took out a small black machine that looked like it had a few buttons on it. As the teacher started class, Erin started to type away on this black machine, seeming to take notes. I found out later that she could use this machine to print out her notes in Braille. A few days later, we were going to be doing our first lab and Erin and her lab partner went to their lab station and completed the assignment. While Erin didn’t do everything for the lab, she did a lot. This is an example of courage to me because she could have let her impairment get in her way, but she wanted to be as much like the other students as she could be so she just went out there and did it. She didn’t let her impairment hold her back.

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