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Web Quest Lesson Plan

Students have explored the Big Idea of Making Choices. In this lesson, they will view an animated political cartoon about deciding to vote and read an article about making everyday choices. After viewing and reading through these selections, students will write about an important choice they recently made and the possible consequences of a different choice.

Lesson Description
Students will view “Vote-B-Gone” an animated political cartoon
and read the article “So Many Options”
Then they will write about an important decision that they recently made and the possible consequences of a different choice.

Instructional Objectives

  1. Students will use the Internet as a resource to get information.
  2. Students will read information about choices and consequences.
  3. Students will write about an important decision that they recently made and the possible consequences of a different choice.

Student Web Activity Sample Answer
I made a choice to run for Student Council secretary. If I had chosen not to run for this office, I probably would be less involved with school and less concerned about other students.

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