Technology Today and Tomorrow ©2004

Chapter 1: Exploring Technology

Exploring Technology

Which phrase best defines technology?
A)outdated processes
B)processes that hamper the spread of knowledge
C)abstract knowledge
D)useful processes and knowledge
Using different methods to preserve food describes
A)technology assessment.
B)emergent technology.
C)bio-related technology.
D)transportation technology.
Which phrase best describes the output of manufacturing technology?
A)raw materials
B)usable products
C)climate systems
D)ideas and concepts
Cloning technology poses ethical questions, meaning
A)a number of technical obstacles.
B)concerns about what is right and wrong.
C)difficulties in evaluating success.
D)controversy about competing methods.
Which list includes kinds of communication technology?
A)cooking, plowing, sowing seeds
B)mule cart, railroad car, airplane
C)screwdriver, hammer, bulldozer
D)written language, Morse code, radio
Which statement is not true about technology used in aviation?
A)Airports and control towers are dependent on construction technology.
B)Aircraft of all types depend on energy/power technology.
C)Aircraft use many types of technology to fly safely.
D)Aviation is concerned only with transportation technology.
Outputs of construction technology could include
A)warehouses, airport runways, synthetic hormones.
B)bridges, cell phones, plastic products.
C)skyscrapers, highways, fuel cells.
D)dams, bridges, houses.
Every energy/power technology
A)burns fossil fuels such as oil, coal, or natural gas.
B)releases energy and makes it available to other systems.
C)pollutes the atmosphere in some way.
D)can be inexpensive to consumers if production is unregulated.
Technology's ally in achieving precise measurements is
A)the Industrial Revolution.
C)social science.
D)government inspection.
An unintended impact of a technology will be
A)either positive or negative.
C)always positive.
D)always negative.
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