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Primary Sources, Maps and Images
(See related pages)

115. The Crisis in the Soviet Union

  1. Gorbachev and the West

116. The Collapse of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe

  1. Poland: The Solidarity Movement
  1. Hungary: Reform into Revolution
    1. The German Democratic Republic: Revolution and Reunification
    1. Czechoslovakia: '89 is '68 Upside Down"
      1. Bulgaria's Palace Revolution, Bloodshed in Romania
      1. The Revolutions of 1989 in Central and Eastern Europe

      117. The Collapse of the Soviet Union

      1. The "Creeping Coup d'Etat"
        1. The Failed August Coup

        118. After Communism

        1. Russia after 1991
        1. The Resurgence of Nationalism: the Breakup of Yugoslavia
        1. Central and Eastern Europe after 1989

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