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Primary Sources, Maps and Images
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93. The Advance of Democracy after 1919

  1. Gains of Democracy and Social Democracy
  1. The New States of Central and East-Central Europe
  1. Economic Problems of Eastern Europe; Land Reform

    94. The German Republic and the Spirit of Locarno

    1. The German Democracy and Versailles
    1. Reparations, the Great Inflation of 1923, Recovery
    1. The Spirit of Locarno

    95. Anti-Imperialist Movements in Asia

    1. Resentments of Asia
    1. First World War and Russian Revolution
    1. The Turkish Revolution: Kemal Ataturk
    1. The National Movement in India: Gandhi and Nehru
    1. The Chinese Revolution: The Three People's Principles
    1. China: Nationalists and Communists
    1. Japan: Militarism and Aggression

    96. The Great Depression: Collapse of the World Economy

    1. The Prosperity of the 1920s and Its Weaknesses
    1. The Crash of 1929 and the Spread of Economic Crisis
    1. Political and Economic Reactions to the Crisis
    1. Cultural Reactions to the Crisis

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