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Primary Sources, Maps and Images
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81. The International Anarchy

  1. Rival Alliances: Triple Alliance versus Triple Entente
  1. The Crisis in Morocco and the Balkans
  1. The Sarajevo Crisis and the Outbreak of War

82. The Armed Stalemate

  1. The War on Land, 1914-1916
  1. The War at Sea
  1. Diplomatic Maneuvers and Secret Agreements

83. The Collapse of Russia and the Intervention of the United States

  1. The Withdrawal of Russia: Revolution and the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
  1. The United States and the War
  1. The Final Phase of the War

84. The Collapse of the Austrian and German Empires

85. The Economic, Social, and Cultural Impact of the War

  1. Effects on Capitalism: Government-Regulated Economies
  1. Inflation, Industrial Changes, Control of Ideas
  1. Cultural Pessimism

86. The Peace of Paris, 1919

  1. The Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles
  1. Significance of the Paris Peace Settlement

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