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Although he entered office in a wave of optimism, Jimmy Carter's one term would be marked by many disappointments. Which of the following events probably did not play a role in his defeat in the election of 1980?
A)Camp David Accords
B)Iranian hostage situation
C)Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
D)the "malaise" speech
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In this photograph of the Camp David accords in action, the president discusses peace proposals with the Israeli prime minister and the president of Egypt. Who is not in this picture?
A)Menachem Begin
B)Anwar Sadat
C)Muammar al-Qaddafi
D)Jimmy Carter
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With the aid of a coalition that included free-market conservatives, neo-conservatives, and the New Right, President Ronald Reagan presided over a sweeping conservative revolution whose effects are still being felt today. Which of the following was not part of the Reagan agenda?
A)"Star Wars"
B)the Gulf War
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Perhaps no other man did as much to bring an end to the Cold War as Mikhail Gorbachev, pictured here signing an Arms Reduction treaty with President George H. W. Bush. Gorbachev quickly transformed Soviet politics with two dramatic new initiatives - glasnost and perestroika. Simply put, what do these two words mean in respective order?
A)openness and reform
B)reform and freedom
C)freedom and openness
D)reform and openness
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While success in the realm of domestic policy eluded him, President George H. W. Bush presided over some of the most tumultuous global events in recent history. Which of the following did not occur during the first Bush administration?
A)Tiananmen Square
B)collapse of Soviet Union
C)end of Apartheid
D)Beirut barracks bombing
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George H.W. Bush's greatest foreign policy success may have been in putting together an international coalition to prosecute the first Gulf War against Iraq. What neighbor nation did the militaristic Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, attempt to annex in 1990, sparking the first Gulf conflict?
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Here, George H.W. Bush enjoys Thanksgiving dinner with troops stationed in the Gulf. Who commanded the Allied forces in the first Gulf War?
A)Colin Powell
B)Oliver North
C)Howard Jarvis
D)Norman Schwarzkopf
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George H.W. Bush poses with his four predecessors in the Oval Office. Which of these five men served the longest as president?
A)Richard Nixon
B)George H.W. Bush
C)Ronald Reagan
D)Jimmy Carter

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