Traditions and Encounters, AP Edition (Bentley), 5th Edition

Chapter 34: An Age of Anxiety

Multiple Choice Quiz

The author of All Quiet on the Western Front was
A)Ernest Hemingway.
B)Oswald Spengler.
C)Erich Maria Remarque.
D)W. Somerset Maugham.
E)Arnold Toynbee.
In the years after World War I, the idea of progress
A)gave a sense of hope in the midst of human suffering.
B)remained the foundation of Asian thought.
C)became even more popular among liberal Christian thinkers.
D)was bolstered by the growing popularity of Confucian thought.
E)was roundly attacked.
The notion that space and time are relative to the person measuring them was first articulated in
A)Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
B)Kepler's three principles of interplanetary movement.
C)Spengler's The Decline of the West.
D)Einstein's theory of general relativity.
E)Newton's theory of gravity.
Werner Heisenberg
A)first discussed the uncertainty principle.
B)made early discoveries in psychoanalysis.
C)warned that democracy was a threat to the achievements of western society.
D)was positive that laissez-faire capitalism would survive forever.
E)discussed the end of laissez-faire capitalism.
The father of psychoanalysis was
A)Werner Heisenberg.
B)Oswald Spengler.
C)Niokolai Berdiaev.
D)Sigmund Freud.
E)Albert Einstein.
According to Freud, the root of neurotic behavior was
A)a conflict between conscious and unconscious mental processes.
B)summed up in the term "uncertainty principle."
C)the traumatic bloodshed of World War I.
D)the hostility that young boys feel toward their mothers.
E)an easily explainable chemical reaction.
The spread of photography
A)led many painters to choose the camera as their instrument of expression.
B)resulted in a lack of creative artistic expression because of general pessimism.
C)led to a new artistic genre that tried to produce paintings that were more accurate than the camera.
D)led many painters to take an almost Luddite-like glee in smashing cameras.
E)led many painters to believe that the purpose of painting was not to mirror reality but to create it.
Which of the following was NOT one of the new artistic movements of the twentieth century?
One of the most significant results of the artistic experimentation of the 1920s and 1930s was that
A)artists learned to adhere to accepted public definitions of reality.
B)photography was no longer considered a legitimate art form.
C)generally accepted standards that distinguished between "good" and "bad" art disappeared.
D)impressionism was recognized as the single best art form.
E)a set of criteria was established that allowed art students to distinguish between "good" and "bad" art.
The work of Walter Gropius
A)is the best of the post-World War I painting movement known as cubism.
B)resulted in the spread of the uncertainty principle.
C)laid the foundation for later achievements in psychoanalysis.
D)reintroduced photography to an art world fascinated with cubism and dadaism.
E)embodied the architectural principle that form should follow function.
The term Bauhaus is associated with
A troubling economic problem in the 1920s was the depressed state of agriculture caused by
A)virulent new strains of disease.
B)the success of several new communist regimes.
C)overproduction and falling prices.
D)the collapse of the cotton market in the southern United States.
E)dangerous underproduction.
During the Great Depression, most nations
A)cooperated globally to fight the problem, on a scale never seen before.
B)dramatically reduced tariffs in an effort to facilitate international trade.
C)expanded the money supply and undertook public works to provide jobs.
D)practiced economic nationalism.
E)pushed for an expansion of trade.
In response to the Great Depression, economist John Maynard Keynes
A)proposed that the government should do nothing and wait out the economic hard times.
B)was a big supporter of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff.
C)felt that the government should tighten the money supply.
D)wrote that capitalism had failed and that it was time for the United States to experiment with communism.
E)urged the government to expand the money supply and undertake public works to provide jobs.
Which of the following was NOT one of the chief actions of Roosevelt's New Deal?
A)tighten the money supply
B)give workers the right to organize and bargain collectively
C)provide social security in old age
D)guarantee minimum wages
E)create jobs through public works projects
The Russian civil war that broke out after the revolution was between
A)utopian socialists and Trotskyites.
B)Reds and Whites.
C)Leninists and Stalinists.
D)Nicholas II's Imperial Army and Lenin's Revolutionary Army.
E)eastern and western factions.
Lenin's New Economic Policy of 1921
A)pushed the peasants onto large, state-run collectives.
B)stripped all land ownership away from the peasants.
C)called for a trading alliance with communist China.
D)implemented free market reforms.
E)initiated the First Five-Year Plan.
The First Five-Year Plan was initiated by
The author of Mein Kampf was
A)Benito Mussolini.
B)Arthur de Gobineau.
C)Joseph Stalin.
D)Otto von Bismarck.
E)Adolf Hitler.
The Kristallnacht was
A)a new artistic movement that flourished after World War I.
B)a Nazi-arranged attack on thousands of Jewish stores.
C)Hitler's political treatise that expressed his main ideas.
D)the Russian term for the destructive civil war that followed the revolution.
E)a German term for the sense of disillusionment that World War I veterans felt.
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