Traditions and Encounters, AP Edition (Bentley), 5th Edition

Chapter 28: Revolutions and National States in the Atlantic World

Multiple Choice Quiz

The ideas of the Enlightenment challenged the long-term assumptions about sovereignty, and instead proposed that
A)true government stems from religious authority.
B)the best form of government is a democracy.
C)governments are bound to the will of the people.
D)all government is inherently unjust; humans are better off living in a state of nature.
E)church and state should be entirely separate.
Which of the following could be considered an expression of enlightened ideas about government?
A)the Stamp Act of 1708
B)the Quartering Act
C)the Declaration of Independence
D)the Committee of Public Safety
E)the Congress of Vienna
The American colonists won their bid for independence primarily because
A)they had superior generals.
B)they were united in the cause of freedom.
C)colonial militias were more disciplined and better marksmen than were British troops.
D)the French and the Dutch decided to support them against the British.
E)All these answers are correct.
Embedded in the U.S. Constitution is the principle of
A)universal male suffrage.
B)the abolition of slavery.
C)free enterprise.
D)westward expansion.
E)popular sovereignty.
Which of the following was NOT one of the causes of the French revolution of 1789?
A)a staggering national debt
B)accusation of treason against Louis XVI
C)resentment at the privileges of the aristocracy
D)the extravagance of Marie Antoinette and the court at Versailles
E)the opportunity presented by the summoning of the Estates General
Which of the following was NOT one of the provisions of the new French constitution of 1791?
A)France became a constitutional monarchy.
B)Church property was confiscated and clergy lost their privileged status.
C)Peasants were freed from the dues and services owed to their landlords.
D)All adult males were given the right to vote in national elections.
E)An elective, legislative body, the Convention, was established.
Under the rule of the Convention, French women
A)gained important property rights and the right to a divorce.
B)were proclaimed full citizens of the Republic.
C)lost economic power to their husbands.
D)were legally defined in terms of either their fathers or their husbands.
E)were granted the right to vote in national elections.
Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power as
A)a liberal noble who supported the third estate.
B)a military hero.
C)an opponent of Robespierre.
D)a supporter of Marie Antoinette.
E)None of these answers is correct.
In general, Napoleon championed
A)political freedom but not social equality.
B)equality under the law but not political freedom.
C)freedom of expression but only for the aristocracy.
D)all the rights of citizenship proclaimed by the National Assembly.
E)the restoration of the ancien régime.
Which of the following is NOT a correct explanation of why the Haitian revolution succeeded?
A)Five hundred gens de couleur were veterans of the American revolution.
B)The large maroon population supported the revolution.
C)Toussaint Louverture was an effective strategist.
D)The revolutionaries had the support of British and Spanish forces.
E)The French army was struck down with yellow fever.
In leading the revolutions of South America, Simón Bolívar advocated
A)that Spanish colonial rule be replaced with an indigenous monarchy.
B)that ethnic nationalism be the basis of the new states.
C)popular sovereignty.
D)the abolition of slavery and full male suffrage.
E)All these answers are correct.
Revolutions in Latin America were frequently a power struggle between what two groups?
A)masters and slaves
B)peninsulares and creoles
C)Europeans and indigenous peoples
D)Europeans and mestizos
E)colonial militias and European mercenaries
Which Latin American state gained independence as a monarchy?
A political conservative in the nineteenth century would be likely to advocate
A)the restoration of the French monarchy after the defeat of Napoleon.
B)limiting suffrage to men of property.
C)censorship as a reasonable means of preventing social unrest.
D)government support of the established church.
E)All these answers are correct.
A political liberal in the nineteenth century would be likely to advocate
A)returning freed slaves to Africa.
B)the confiscation of church property by the state.
C)universal suffrage for all men and women, regardless of race.
D)written constitutions and representative government.
E)All these answers are correct.
The first European power to abolish the slave trade was
E)the United States.
The last country to abolish slavery was
E)the United States.
The American women's rights movement began
A)at the Constitutional Convention.
B)concurrent with the antislavery movement.
C)after the Civil War, when women saw how freed slaves benefited from the vote.
D)not until the twentieth century.
E)None of these answers is correct.
Which of the following might be a feature or effect of cultural nationalism?
A)the study of your culture's language
B)the study of your culture's history
C)collecting folk songs and fairy tales of your culture
E)All these answers are correct.
Theodor Herzl's Zionism was the direct result of
A)his shock at a government order revoking the citizenship of all French Jews.
B)his shock at the army's persecution of Alfred Dreyfus.
C)his frustrated desire to emigrate to America.
D)a religious revelation that European Jews should return to the Holy Land.
E)a wave of persecution against Jews living in the Ottoman empire.
The German people united behind King Wilhelm I because
A)he promised them a constitutional monarchy.
B)he was the rightful heir to the Holy Roman Empire.
C)the wars engineered by Bismarck generated strong nationalist sentiment.
D)the Prussian army defeated all other claimants to the throne.
E)All these answers are correct.
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