Traditions and Encounters, AP Edition (Bentley), 5th Edition

Chapter 20: Worlds Apart: The Americas and Oceania

Multiple Choice Quiz

What is the correct chronological order?
A)Toltecs, Teotihuacan, Mexica, Spanish
B)Toltecs, Teotihuacan, Spanish, Mexica
C)Teotihuacan, Mexica, Toltecs, Spanish
D)Teotihuacan, Toltecs, Mexica, Spanish
E)Teotihuacan, Toltecs, Spanish, Mexica
Which of the following was a factor in the collapse of the Toltec civilization?
A)conflict between the various ethnic groups living in Tula
B)severe flooding of Lake Texcoco
C)dissention among population over bloodletting rituals
D)defeat by the Spaniards
E)overcrowding and lack of sanitation
The chinampa system of agriculture
A)introduced new Mexica crops into the central valley.
B)required the Mexica to move on to new lands after the soil had been exhausted.
C)was based on the rotation of crops to replenish the soil.
D)was similar to the slash-and-burn agriculture practiced by the Maya.
E)created fertile plots of land from the mud dredged off the bottom of Lake Texcoco.
Which of the following was/were NOT typical of trade items found in the Mexica markets?
A)iron and brass implements
B)gold and silver jewelry
C)vanilla beans and cacao
D)jaguar skins and parrot feathers
E)cotton cloth
In order to maintain control over conquered peoples, the Mexica
A)maintained a large standing army.
B)appointed Mexica governors in each province of their empire.
C)threatened subject peoples with brutal reprisals.
D)appointed an elaborate bureaucracy to collect tributes.
E)All these answers are correct.
The most honored class in Mexica society was
A)the priests.
B)the warriors.
C)the merchants.
D)the large landowners.
E)the royal family.
In order to maintain clear class distinctions, Mexica sumptuary laws
A)held that persons of different social classes could not intermarry.
B)required commoners to wear rough cloth, while aristocrats could wear cotton.
C)held that conquered people could not speak the Mexica language.
D)required lower classes to wear lip plugs as a sign of obeisance.
E)All these answers are correct.
The Aztecs offered human sacrifices in order to
A)honor the gods and forestall the destruction of the world.
B)terrorize conquered people into submission.
C)provide nourishment to the moon and the stars.
D)mark off the days of their ritual calendar.
E)All these answers are correct.
Most of those sacrificed were
B)war captives.
C)tribute from conquered people.
D)criminals, war captives, or tribute from conquered people.
E)None of these answers is correct.
Which of the following statements does NOT describe the Iroquois peoples?
A)They lived in the woodlands east of the Mississippi River.
B)They cultivated maize and beans.
C)They lived in settled communities with defensive walls.
D)Women were in charge of villages and longhouses.
E)Their system of pictographic writing has not yet been deciphered.
The great earthen mounds like that at Cahokia were probably used for
B)urban complexes.
D)rituals and burials.
E)All these answers are correct.
Between the thirteenth and the fifteenth centuries, the Andean kingdom of Chucuito governed an agricultural society based on
A)maize farming.
B)potato farming.
C)cotton manufacture.
D)coca farming.
E)All these answers are correct.
Which of the following was NOT a method by which the Inca were able to effectively administer their empire?
A)a complex system of record keeping using knotted cord
B)taking hostages from the ruling families of conquered peoples
C)a vast network of paved roads to unite their empire
D)relocating loyal colonists in troublesome territories
E)granting autonomy to local chieftains
Which of the following is NOT a correct pairing?
A)Toltec and Tula
B)Chucuito and Teotihuacan
C)Inca and Cuzco
D)Mexica and Tenochtitlan
E)All these answers are correct, because all are incorrect pairings.
The Inca government maintained storehouses of agricultural surplus for
A)the private reserve of the royal family.
B)payment to the military.
C)public relief and social welfare.
D)payments to governmental officials.
E)All these answers are correct.
Commoners in the Inca kingdom were required to
A)work assigned lands on behalf of the state.
B)pay a portion of their earnings to the state.
C)work on the public roads and irrigation systems.
D)deliver pottery, textiles, and other handmade goods.
E)All these answers are correct.
Unlike the Aztec religion, Inca religion
A)was monotheistic.
B)had a moral dimension.
C)revered a sun god.
D)had no priest class.
E)had no sacrificial rituals.
The aboriginal peoples of Australia subsisted by
A)cultivating root crops.
B)herding swine and poultry.
C)cultivating taro and sweet potato.
D)building fish traps.
E)None of these answers is correct.
The Hawaiian class of high chiefs were known as the
B)ali`i nui.
Aboriginal Australians
A)frequently interacted with people from neighboring societies.
B)were fervent agriculturists.
C)did not participate in any type of trading relationship.
D)led a sedentary way of life.
E)None of these answers is correct.
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