Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, 12th Edition (Shier)

Chapter 19: Reproductive Systems

Learning Outcomes

19.1 Introduction
1: State the general functions of the male and female reproductive systems.

19.2 Organs of the Male Reproductive System
2: Describe the general functions of each part of the male reproductive system.
3: Outline the process of spermatogenesis.
4: Describe semen production and exit from the body.

19.3 Hormonal Control of Male Reproductive Functions
5: Explain how hormones control the activities of male reproductive organs and the development of male secondary sex characteristics.

19.4 Organs of the Female Reproductive System
6: Describe the general functions of each part of the female reproductive system.
7: Outline the process of oogenesis.

19.5 Hormonal Control of Female Reproductive Functions
8: Explain how hormones control the activities of female reproductive organs and the development of female secondary sex characteristics.
9: Describe the major events of a reproductive cycle.

19.6 Mammary Glands
10: Review the structure of the mammary glands.

19.7 Birth Control
11: Describe several methods of birth control, including the relative effectiveness of each method.

19.8 Sexually Transmitted Infections
12: List the general symptoms of sexually transmitted infections.

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