American History: A Survey (Brinkley), 13th Edition


Image Quiz

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Perhaps Henry Clay's greatest feat as the "Great Conciliator" was his formulation of the Missouri Compromise. Which of the following was not part of that compromise?
A)Missouri becomes a slave state.
B)Maine becomes a free state.
C)Slavery was prohibited N. of 36'30".
D)Slavery was allowed N. of 36'30".
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Cherokee Nation v. State of Georgia was one of the Marshall Court's key rulings regarding Indian affairs. Which of the following cases also concerned Native Americans?
A)Fletcher v. Peck
B)Cohens v. Virginia
C)Johnson v. McIntosh
D)Gibbons v. Ogden
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After Andrew Jackson (pictured here) lost the election of 1824, his supporters complained of a "corrupt bargain" for the next four years. Which of the following was not a candidate that election year?
A)John Quincy Adams
B)Daniel Webster
C)William Crawford
D)Henry Clay
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