American History: A Survey (Brinkley), 13th Edition


Multiple Choice Quiz

Four of the following statements correctly describe conditions in the stock market during the year and a half preceding the Great Crash of 1929. Which is the exception?
A)There was a widespread speculative fever.
B)The average price of most stock increased dramatically.
C)The daily volume of stock traded increased dramatically.
D)Most brokers required cash payment in full for stock purchases.
E)Credit was easily obtained to those buying stock.
One of the most important causes of the Great Depression was the fact that during the 1920s
A)government regulation and trust busting had stifled free enterprise.
B)there was a fundamental maldistribution of purchasing power.
C)not enough profits were plowed back into business as new capital investment.
D)low tariff policies had benefited foreign competitors and seriously damaged domestic industry.
E)stock prices rose too dramatically.
In much of the 1920s, European nations were able to make their war-debt payments to the United States, and Germany and Austria were able to continue reparation payments by:
A)inflating their currencies.
B)draining their gold reserves.
C)expanding exports to the United States.
D)decreasing imports from the United States.
E)getting new loans from the United States.
The stock market crash of 1929
A)caused the Great Depression.
B)was a result of the Great Depression.
C)triggered a chain of events that led to the economic crisis.
D)had no effect on the onset of the Depression.
E)cause stock prices to increase dramatically.
When it was first organized, how did the Farmers' Holiday Association seek to gain higher prices for farm products?
A)by lobbying in Washington
B)by withholding crops from the market
C)by running its own candidates for state legislatures
D)by establishing its own cooperative marketing facilities
E)by protesting the Hawley-Smoot tariff
The Dust Bowl
A)was caused solely by a particularly bad drought.
B)was largely a result of farming practices on the Great Plains.
C)caused the dust from the plains to blow as far as Chicago.
D)only lasted for about a year.
E)lasted throughout the Great Depression.
In the early 1930s, the term "Okies" referred to
A)moonshiners trying to make a living in Appalachia.
B)oil speculators losing money in the Southwest.
C)swamp dwellers out of the mainstream in the Deep South.
D)poor African-American farmers in the South.
E)dispossessed farmers fleeing the Dust Bowl.
Four of the following statements accurately describe the condition of blacks during the Great Depression. Which is the exception?
A)The migration of blacks to the North ended abruptly.
B)Blacks suffered a higher unemployment rate than whites.
C)Discrimination against blacks increased, particularly in competition for jobs.
D)Local government and private relief benefits for blacks were smaller than for whites.
E)Over half the blacks in the South in 1932 were unemployed.
In the 1920s, the great majority of Hispanics in California and the American Southwest originally migrated from
C)Puerto Rico.
E)None of these answers is correct.
One effect of the Great Depression on women was to
A)open up new opportunities for women in the professions.
B)strengthen the belief that a woman's place was in the home.
C)drive most women out of the labor force by the time the economic crisis was over.
D)gain increased public support for such feminist organizations as the National Woman's Party.
E)encourage women to get out of the home and work to support their families.
Four of the following were effects of the Great Depression on the American family. Which is the exception?
A)The birth rate declined.
B)The marriage rate declined.
C)The divorce rate increased.
D)Middle-class and working-class families suffered traumatic impact.
E)Working class families saw what little gains they had disappear.
Popular culture during the Depression era—as manifested by radio, movies, and literature—was generally characterized by
A)a celebration of affluence.
B)appeals to prurient interests in sex and crime.
C)a return to traditional religious values.
D)a deep social concern to portray the human consequences of the national economic disaster.
E)upbeat and romantic messages as a sort of escapism.
Four of the following novels manifest an implicit protest against social injustices in then-contemporary American society. Which is the exception?
A)Erskine Caldwell's Tobacco Road (1932)
B)Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind (1936)
C)John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath (1939)
D)Richard Wright's Native Son (1940)
E)James Agee's Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (1941)
Movie attendance during the Depression
A)rose throughout the decade.
B)fell throughout the decade.
C)rose initially but then fell as the Depression worsened.
D)fell initially but then rose as the Depression worsened.
E)stayed the same as before the Depression.
The Popular Front
A)was a radio show about detectives in New York City.
B)was a broad coalition of "antifascist" groups on the political Left.
C)was one of the most successful programs of the New Deal.
D)was a name given to the Nazi Party by the State Department.
E)was a popular film staring the Marx brothers.
The Abraham Lincoln brigade was most closely associated with
A)Coxey's Army.
B)the Bonus Army.
C)the Spanish Civil War.
D)veterans of the American Expeditionary Force in World War I.
E)The Grapes of Wrath.
The tactics pursued by the American Communist Party between 1935 and 1939 were aimed at developing a broad alliance against
B)Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
C)racial injustice.
D)nonpolitical unionism.
E)Herbert Hoover.
For the eight years immediately before becoming president, Herbert Hoover had been the
A)vice president.
B)secretary of state.
C)secretary of commerce.
D)speaker of the House of Representatives.
E)secretary of navy.
The purpose of the Agricultural Marketing Act, proposed by Hoover even before the Great Crash of 1929, was to
A)aid struggling small farmers during poor harvests.
B)impose government regulation on the commodities exchange market.
C)establish quotas for the importation of foreign agricultural products.
D)promote reciprocal trade agreements with foreign countries for agricultural products.
E)keep farm prices up.
Hoover's first efforts to control the Depression focused on
A)a recovery program for the banking industry.
B)voluntary cooperation by business leaders in restoring the public confidence in the economy.
C)a massive federal relief bill.
D)creating millions of federal jobs.
E)closing all banks.
Hoover's measures to deal with the Depression included support for four of the following. Which is the exception?
A)a large-scale federal program of direct relief to the unemployed
B)a system of government home-loan banks to assist mortgage holders
C)the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make loans to businesses
D)the Hawley-Smoot Tariff to protect agriculture from foreign competition
E)the Agricultural Marketing Act which helped to maintain farm prices
The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was largely ineffective in promoting recovery from the Depression because
A)the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional.
B)its activities did not gain the support of President Hoover.
C)its programs benefited primarily the small banks and family corporations.
D)it was underfunded and overcautious in the use of the funds it did have.
E)it could not raise farm prices.
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